Mamma Mia!
Posted by Minisha Sarappa on
Between child rearing, managing the household, meal planning, and laundry, it can be hard to find time for yourself. Oh, let's not forget a full time job - Yikes
So, you will find that this blog is not just for fashion or your style but also to help and encourage moms. We know that being a working mom can feel like a lonely journey sometimes, even when you know so many others have been in the same place before. There are other resources that can help moms feel less alone along the way.
These real-life moms are sharing their own parenting journeys, from the challenges to the joyful moments that make up modern-day motherhood.❤️
"Being a young mom with three kids (6, 4 and 3 years old) can be overwhelming and challenging. It can also mean putting our dreams or plans on hold, but overall is one of the greatest responsibilities a woman can have. To raise confident, brave, respectful and humble children especially in the times we are living in now with so much fear and anxiety is so important. One of the lessons I’ve learnt during lockdown is “self care”, it’s so important as a mother and a wife. Without self care I wouldn’t be able to juggle kids, business, home or even maintain relationships with friends and family.
Reading a book in the quiet now and then or soaking in the tub with some candles or one of my favorites, baking! It calms my mind and soul and helps me find peace so that when I’m face with screaming kids or hectic loads of homework or just having a really bad day, I’m able to juggle it all. Woman are powerful in so many ways. I believe every woman has a purpose on earth and the ability to make difference in society and set an example for our daughters, sisters, nieces and their children, but in order for us to do that we have to “take care” of ourselves first so we have a sound and peaceful mind. I highly recommend a book by Joyce Meyer “Battlefield of the Mind”." Rennal Moothal (27) lives in Cape Town.
"I am a women, a wife, a mum of two and a working businesswomen. The day I became a mum was the most exhilarating experience of my life. I just gave birth to a whole human being and it was nothing short of a miracle. Being a mum of one child and still trying to manage a business was one of the hardest things I ever had to do and then adding another baby became even harder. I had to learn time management and how to separate my work from my time with my babies. When my babies wake up in the morning they are the happiest little beings so I make a point of spending time in the mornings and engaging with them. Thankfully, I have been blessed since my baby girl was born, to have a full time helper that lives with us and she is a huge help to me. She takes care of the children in the mornings while I get my work done and that helps me to find a good balance between work life and family life. I also have to give credit to my amazing husband because he is so helpful with the kids and is a real hands on dad.
Being a women comes with its set of challenges but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I love my being a wife, a mom and also having a great ambition for the business arena. We are women and we can do whatever we set our minds to. God has given us this special ability to work out how to wear so many caps and still be awesome at each of one of them. I try not to do too much at one time,I pace myself out so I have time for everything that I need to do within a day. We don’t always have to be superwomen, just be you and do what you love and everything will fall into place." Kersha Manickum (31) lives in Johannesburg
"I’m a young mom to an almost 10 month old baby girl. While motherhood is HARD, I believe that within every woman’s heart there is capacity to mother in her own way - for some that might mean biological children, for others it’s adoption or foster care and sometimes it’s even loving and caring for the younger generation you’re surrounded by. In all forms of mothering, self care is not just important but it’s vital for survival. I am no expert on self care because I really could be practicing it much more but sometimes, while you’re trying to figure motherhood out (if that’s even possible), something as simple as taking a 20 minute nap can be life changing for the rest of your day or even your week. Lisa Sarappa (26) lives in Benoni.
"Women. We are fearfully and wonderfully made to be fearless and wonderful. Balancing our family, home, ministry and work lives is no easy task but we were created for greatness and greatness is not for the weak or faint . We build families, lives, homes and empires and we do it in style. This month as we celebrate Women I salute every woman out there."
Amy Subramoney (31) lives in Johannesburg. |
I hope this read was helpful and showed you that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Share in the comments any encouragement you may have for other Mamma's out there. 💚
I know its hard Mama
"I know it can be hard to get up every day and have these little people rely on you. I know it's hard to feel like sometimes your world is so small. I want to remind you, you are the world. You are the world that those little ones revolve around. You are the nurture, their home and their comfort. You are everything to them, and I hope even on your hard days you know how special you are. Especially to your little people. "
- Brittany Aldean
wow… reading these posts really gives us mothers a sense of pride, especially knowing that we all face the same challenges and Joy’s of what life throws at us. No one said it was going to be easy but at the sometime, no one said it was going to be impossible either. One thing for sure, we must never forget the women we are and how we have grown into the roles that we take up today. With every journey there is a story and with every story there is as life lesson. Choose to create your own memories and always be true to the amazing women that God has molded us to be today. To all mums out there…. You are the makers of your own destiny and with God, your kids, you family and friends by your side always be proud of the big and small achievements but never underestimate your ability to go further. We are created for greatness….
Love this💕
Well done Good work Minisha, so proud of you. ❤️🙏🏽
Become so confident in who you are that no one’s comment or rejection can bring you down. Women, we must know WHO we are, WHOSE we are and WHAT we have been created for. Do not undermine your influence and your impact because of your circumstances. You can make a difference and IT STARTS WITH YOU.